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Drawing Cars, Still in Style?


Updated: Oct 7, 2019

With the digital age in full force, we are doing so many things on our phones, computers and our other countless devices, like taking endless amounts of pictures. Because of this, it seems drawing and "human-created" art has become sort of a rare sight these days.

I interviewed Hannah Spooner recently from she_draws_cars on Instagram to figure out if people still love and appreciate the human-touch like she gives her exquisite hand-made drawings of some of the hottest cars out there.

If her 7,724 followers on Instagram have a vote, I'm thinking there's a strong case to be made for the type of work she's doing.

To find out more, we organized a list of questions for Hannah and here’s the question and her response to each:

1. What got you started and why?

Hannah: My aunt went to school for automotive design & we spent a lot of time together when I was young. So I grew up being inspired by a woman in the automotive industry which pushed me to pursue it as well. I ended up going to the same school as she did pursuing Automotive design but dropped out to start my own business.

2. Why cars/automotive stuff?

Hannah: I’ve always been attracted to cars and their beauty. I may not know the most about them mechanically but I truly can appreciate the time and effort that goes into designing them. I often get butterflies seeing a beautiful car, it just makes me happy.

3. What has surprised you the most since starting to do this?

Hannah: What has surprised me the most is how much support I receive on a daily basis. People from all over the world reach out to me with encouragement and as an artist I’m very critical of myself so to have that support is truly a blessing.

4. How has this changed you as a person?

Hannah: Art has changed me as a person because I never really thought that I could work in a field that fulfills me creatively. Everyday I draw and it doesn’t feel like work, it’s therapy to me.

5. What are the things that inspire you the most?

Hannah: I’m often inspired the most right after I finish a drawing, I get to see the result of all the hard work and effort that I put into something and it’s really satisfying and motivating. Also seeing people’s reactions to my work is so inspiring, it makes me feel like what I do is sentimental & meaningful to someone.

6. Is there an achievement or drawing that you are most proud of, why?

Hannah: I would say my biggest achievement is just being able to work with incredibly supportive people in the automotive industry. I’m grateful for people like Spencer Berke, Parker from Vehicle Virgins, Stradman, drivewithdray, and so many more. My biggest achievement is being supported by a community that I truly love.

7. What have you learned that you would share with others about starting something new and unique?

Hannah: Anyone who tells me they’re pursuing something like art I always encourage them to stick with it. If you practice anything enough, and are open to growth and constructive criticism, you can accomplish a lot in a short period of time. We’re all experts at something, you just have to explore your passions and pursue what truly makes you happy.

8. If you had a crystal ball how do you think things will look with she_draws_cars in 5 years?  Where do you want things to go?

Hannah: Honestly, as long as I’m still drawing 5 years from now I’ll be fulfilled. I hope to continue to share my work & inspire other women/men to pursue art. Or just to pursue what makes them happy.

So, there you go, because of the digital age, people see drawing as something special, and people like Hannah who are talented enough to draw like this (these are all her drawings) are very lucky. Drawing isn’t dead and we should appreciate the drawings and the people who produce these works of art. So, go follow Hannah @she_draws_cars and look at all her amazing drawings!


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